For the first Kickin’ it Old Skool!, I am going to shine some light onto an old favorite of mine.
A Certain Slant of Life
by Laura Whitcomb
Graphia Publishing, September 2005
(Synopsis from Goodreads, but I had to alter a few things because they were incorrect.)Helen is a disembodied spirit who "attaches" herself to humans. Unable to remember the circumstances of her death, and with no idea why she's in this precarious state of limbo, she knows this much: she's been haunting the living world for 130 years. But when Helen attaches herself to a high school teacher, everything changes. For though he remains quite unaware of her presence, a certain boy in his class is clearly able to see Helen. This realization, and Helen's subsequent introduction to him, rocks her world.
Uncomfortable with the boundaries of her existence, Helen continues to test them and takes hair-raising risks -- often for love. Moved by her passions, she is stymied by limits placed on her that she doesn't yet understand and is unable to control. Despite the supernatural realm it explores, A Certain Slant of Light is nothing sort of chilling in its evocation of a world that's starkly real, and a newfound love that's positively sublime.
This is one of the best love stories I have ever read. It is soooo different from the paranormal romances that are coming out now. For some reason I think there is a distinct difference between a romance, and a love story. And this is definitely a love story. It shows that love transcends pretty much everything, and that love is definitely more than what is on the outside. While throughout the book you see this incredibly genuine romance being to bloom, there is also the whole issue of Helen being a ghost that puts a damper on things. There is such an air of mystery about the situation the main characters are in. And once one problems ends one is brought to the surface revealing what these two people who have absolutely nothing on their side, will ultimately do to escape from their current lives, into one much better, and where they can be together. One of the best books I have ever read. I pretty much recommend to every person on the planet!!!