(Warning: Not Book Related)
First off, I would truly like to apologize for the lack of posts since about August when school started. Keeping up with AP classes and volleyball and this blog have proved impossible for me so, but I am trying really hard to prevent the inevitable (which is to go on hiatus until next summer). I would really hate to do that, but school comes first. Anywayzzzzz, These are just 10 things about me that you may not know that actually don't have to do with books or reading, oh yes be excited!In no particular order...

8. I have Aquaphobia. It sounds like a serious medical disease but it is really just a fear of bodies of water. Seems weird since I'm from the Bay Area, but yeah. Any body of water larger than my bathtub I am afraid of. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. People say I'm afraid of water because I can't swim. NO! I can't swim because I'm afraid of water. There's a difference!
7. I don't care what NASA says, according to me, Pluto is a planet!
6. I am probably the most sarcastic person you will ever meet. Sarcasm is the best intellectual device ever in my opinion!
5. My favorite colors are blue, black, and purple. Just in case my blog layout doesn't give that off.
4. I'm think I'm very outgoing, but according to my mom, I'm just loud. I could be worse...I think.
3. I want to become a lawyer/journalist/...something else. I was never one of those, I want one career kind of people. If I'm going to be in school 8 more years after I graduate high school, it better be worth it. Someday I would like to have my own published magazine. Like a multi dimensional magazines, that has things all kinds of girls, and guys of course, would like to read about. Not just what color highlights Miley Cyrus decides this week (nothing against Cyrus, she never did anything to me and shes a great artist but really, since when is hair highlights breaking news).
2. I am a mall rat. Yes, I hold the title with pride. If I'm not at the library, just check the mall you'll probably find me with a Jamba Juice in hand.

1/2. My name is Chioma, and I love to read.
That last one must have really thrown you guys off. So that's just some things you guys might not know about me. Sorry nothing too exciting, but not every one's life can be a Degrassi episode (thank heavens for that). Maybe I can do a ten of the weirdest things that ever happened to me post, but still nothing teenage soap opera worthy though. But I am really enjoying these top 10 posts. Let me know if there is any specific top 10 posts you guys would like to read. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment!
It's a pleasure getting to know you!!
I have to add that I really don't see the point of scarves in the summer.
Its nice to know you better! Be what you are! You are blessed! We own a Wall Mirrors ecommerce site and are always looking for great content to share and help inspire. Thanks.
I'm so thankful to know you much better. Keep up the good work.
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