Today September 19, 2010 marks the 365th day I have been blogging. Which makes it my 1 year blogoversay!!!! I am so glad I have made it this far. My blog really means a lot to me, and though some can't tell it because of my lack posts the last weeks (blame high school-junior year I tell you)(oh and AP classes)(and volleyball games that end at 10 o'clock, but you! I am trying really really hard to get back into it and no better way than to kick it off with my blogoversary.
I think as a book blogger I have grown a lot more throughout this year. If you have read my first review (which I don't really recommend) you could see that it was pretty much a bad persuasive essay. Which is okay if I want to pass an English class, but I am glad that my reviews have at least grown and I have found my own style as a book blogger.
Most importantly I would really really really 1000x really want to thank, honor, and commend all of you who read my blog, especially those of you who have been here from the beginning. It is really great motivation knowing that people actually read what I have to say. So a huge thank you to those who read my blog on a regular basis, rarely, or even if this is the first post of mine you have ever read, Thank you. I appreciate it, and hope you come back later!
Expect a contest as my next post btw...
Congratulations on your anniversary! Blogging is hard work but it is very rewarding!
happy blogoversary!! :D
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