Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #17- Crave

Waiting On Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Release Date: September 21st 2010
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster

Shay has had a rare blood disorder since she was born. In fact, her mother married one of Shay’s doctors, Martin, who left his world-renowned leukemia research to try and figure out exactly what the disorder is and how to cure it. When she turns seventeen, Martin begins to give her new blood transfusions that make her feel the strongest she has ever felt. But she also has odd visions where she sees through the eyes of a vampire. At first, she thinks she must be imagining the visions, but when she begins to see Martin’s office in them, she knows she has to check it out. That’s when she finds Gabriel, a sexy, teenaged vampire, imprisoned in Martin’s office. The connection she has built with Gabriel compels her to set him free. But when he kidnaps her in an attempt at revenge on Martin, their lives become deeply intertwined. She doesn’t know the half of it. - from Goodreads
Wow! Let's just start with that cover. First, the hot, hot, hot guy on the cover is enough to make me pick up the book without even reading the back cover. Then throw in a tattoo and purple eyes to the mix, as well as the sunsetting background and you have yourself a beauty. I think this is one of my favorite covers I have seen for books coming out this year. And then speaking by the synopsis, amazing! This book sounds like it has the plot line of an adult paranormal book. It seems like less of the typical teenage vampire theme, as in more of the evil, scientific, all powerful olden day vampire books. Sort of taking me back to the Anne Rice and Dracula story lines that remain all time favorites! I am definitely looking forward to this one! 

What are you waiting for this Wednesday? 


Julie said...

Ooh this sounds really good! I'm adding it to my goodreads TBR list! Great pick!