Sunday, July 11, 2010

Once Upon A Read-A-Thon

Tomorrow July 12, 2010 is day one of The Once Upon A Read-A-Thon. 
If you want to join the read-a-thon, head over to Pure Imagination and sign up!
The Once Upon A Read-A-Thon starts Monday July 12, 2010 and runs until Wednesday July 14, 2010! This is my first read-a-thon and I am very excited to see how much books I can read within three days if I really try at it. I think this is going to be so much fun!

These are the books I took off my TBR shelf and I plan to read (I know I can't read all of them, but I like having a lot of choices!):

Some of these are books I started but haven't finished and some have just been sitting, oh so lonely on my TBR shelf begging to be read. So I think this read-a-thon is the perfect chance to read some of them, who knows, I could be missing out on a new favorite. To all who want to, I encourage you to join the Once Upon A Read-AThon (what a clever name)!

To all who care, you can follow my progress here on my blog where I will do occasional updates and also on my Twitter and my Goodreads!

Have fun!!!