Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Read-A-Thon Day 2 Update + Mini-Challenge

Hello everyone it is Day 2 of the Once Upon A Read-A-Thon!
I am very happy with my progress and I think I have gotten farther than I expected I would. So far I have read

And I am currently reading, (and completely loving)

Mini- Challenges
Confessions of a Bookaholic is hosting a mini-challenge centered around the emotions you feel when you read  a book.

1. Tell me what makes you the most emotional when you read it in a book. 
For me, the thing that would make me the most emotional in a book is when a character has a troubling past. As in one centered around abuse, neglect, ridicule, or just a not being accepted because of something they can't control. And watching through the book, the character still being haunted by that and not having people accept or see them because people aren't looking around their past. It just really gets me mad and angry and sad to see a character being hindered because of something that is not their fault and they can't control. It really annoys me how people seem to act like everyone is so one-dimensional.

2. Leave a comment telling me what book has made you the most emotional. 
The book that always manages to bring a tear to my eyes one moment and having me screaming for joy the next is Dance with The Devil by. Sherilyn Kenyon. The backgrounds to the characters are just so sad and heart-wrenching that I can't help but shed a tear. But then as the story goes on and the love begins to build its great to see a hard life have a happy romantic ending like that of Zareks.

That's the end of my mini-challenge! And if you are participating in this Read-A-Thon and would like to join in the fun of this mini-challenge head over to Confessions of a Bookaholic and leave a comment with your answers. And if you aren't participating in the challenge and would still like to answer, go ahead and leave a comment. I would love to hear what you guys have to say!!!
Thank You!


MannaB said...

I loved Don't Die, Draonfly! I need to reread it and finish the series. Good luck with the Read-a-thon!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Best of luck for the read a thon

Candace said...

So glad things are progressing well for you! Love the cover for Don't Die, Dragonfly, as well as the title!
Thanks for participating in the Read a Thon!