Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday's Question of The Day!!!

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and start doing Monday's Questions of the Day. This meme was started by Eleni over at /- LA FEMME READERS -/. I always enjoyed answering and reading the responses to the questions she comes up with, so I decided to start some of my own!

For my first Monday's Questions of The Day I am going to keep it simple.
What is your favorite and least favorite genre to read?

This is a very easy question for me to answer. My favorite genre to read is definitely paranormal. I love everything about it. I like the way one paranormal creature can be perceived so differently depending on the author. There are no two vampire, werewolf, faerie books or characters that I have read that I can say are the same. It is such a broad genre where pretty much anything goes, and I love that. It's just exciting to read all the ideas authors have when writing in the paranormal.

And as far as my least favorite genre, it would have to be without a doubt historical fiction. I seriously can't stand it at all. About 6 months ago I decided to try to rehabilitate myself from my passionate dislike of historical books by going out and buying 2 of them that seemed interesting enough. And low and behold my disappointment when it turned out to be everything I thought it would be (which is not a good thing). I just don't like reading them in any shape, manner, or form. But its not like I haven't read any or just don't like historical for no reason, I have read a lot. I would like to say over 20. But out of ALL the historical fiction I have ever read, I have only enjoyed one and that is the book Josephine and the Soldier. It was adorable. So yeah, love the paranormal, dislike the historical. 

(sorry for such a long response. I have the tendency to babble!)

I'd like to hear what all of your favorites and least favorites genres to read are. So don't hesitate to leave a comment!