Here is a list of my top 10 favorite books!
My favorite books change weekly if not daily. Probably the next book I decided to read this week, is going to end up being one of my favorites. Probably just because I only read books I am really sure I am going to love!
But I really tried to narrow it down to get a good combination of all time favorites, and my current favorites. I tried very much to rank them, but it got hard to choose so it's kind of in no particular order, but not exactly!
8. The Dark Hunters Series- Favorite adult series by far. No doubt. I don't really like to compare books but I love this series for the same reason so many adore J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. Sherrilyn Kenyon's characters are all so different and individual and unique characters that I can't help but get attached. I like each character for a different reason because they are all so developed and original. All the guys are different and have you falling in love with all of them throughout the series!
5. Wake Series [review]- This series is incredibly. I love how emotional it can make me. The whole story surrounding it is supernatural, yet the emotions and the characters are still so real that it is still a story that makes the biggest impact. Not only the topics and the characters in this series, but the romance. It is all so intense. It is really hard to describe, I just think everybody needs to read this series!
4. The Darkest Powers [review]- One of my favorite series ever. I liked the mix of all the different kinds of paranormal characters. My favorite character was Derek, he seemed like he was a really mean guy at first, but then he eventually turned into my favorite character! I can't wait to read The Gathering.
3. Twilight- Need I say more? Of course! I love The Twilight Series. This series actually marks a milestone in my "reading journey" since it was the first time I actually finished a book in one day! Love, love, love it! BTW my favorite Twilight character of all time is without a doubt Alice. I wish their was a whole separate story on Alice's and Jasper's lives.
2. The Pace [review]- My favorite book of 2009! Just a terrifically written and engrossing read! I love pretty much everything about it except...the killer CLIFFHANGER. It was the most intense cliffhanger I have ever seen in a book. Wes is another one of my favorite male characters in books. He's not perfect and he knows it, and that's just part of his charm. And Sophie is one of my favorite female characters just because she knows what she wants, and she goes for it, without backing down.
1. Vampire Academy [review]- Favorite series ever! I love everything about these books. The drama the romance, and then more drama and more romance. Rose and her kick-ass confident ways. Dimitri with his tall, hot, older guy sexiness. All the action, the scheming, the love triangles. When Richelle Mead adds anything to the series, she makes sure it is packed with as much tension and drama, and all the good stuff it can have. All time favorite always and forever!
I am going to cheat and show anyways what was so close to making the list:
I am the Messenger [review]
Jekel Loves Hyde [review]
Perfect Chemistry Series [review]
Mediator Series
Here is my list of top ten for this year so far and The Wake Series made my list also.
Still Alice and Dibs are also all time favourites.
Awesome list! The Pace is next-ish on my TBR. Thanks for sharing!
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