Saturday, November 14, 2009

Layout Change!!!

Okay I am finally changing my layout. I really hated the way it  was before. It just annoyed me to be posting on such an ugly background. So I decided to change it and I really cant decide. I dont know which way I should leave it, I just want something appealing that is easy for my readers to read. All feedback is appreciated. If you could comment and/or vote in the poll on if I should change it or anything else I would really appreciate it.

I have pictures of all the possibilities, please vote on which you think is best and easiest to read. There are two polls. One for the post background color and sidebar background color and overally background color.

Layout 1

Layout 2

layout 3


Natalie said...

Just found your blog on Book Blogs and became a follower. I voted for option 3!

Looking forward to chatting! :)

Natalie @ Mindful Musings

YA Book Queen said...

Layout three looks awesome! But so does number 2....

Choosing the right layout is hard, huh? I Still can't make up my mind, lol.

Eleni said...

I'm going with #2!