Taschima over at the Bloody Bookaholic is having a Christmas/Hanukkah/ Whatever you believe in Blowout!!! The contest is also in celebration of her reaching 500 followers!!! Here's a list of the books she is giving away!!!
- ARC Eyes Like Stars
- Signed ARC Hush Hush
- ARC Ash
- ARC The Demon's Lexicon
- ARC Betraying Season
- The Black Tatto + poster
- I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You
- Candle Man, Book One
- Deadtown
- Lenore Noogies
- The anticipated sequel of The Nanny Diaries, The Nanny Returns
- Never After by Dan Elconsin
- Secret Society signed book and an Ambassador Kit
And a 2010 Book called The Mark by Jen Nadol.
- Gift Cards for Ninja T Shirts.
There is a ton of more things going along with the giveaway so head over to her contest page for more details and to enter!!!!
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