Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon Movie Review!!!

Ok guys, I just got back from seeing New Moon (I know Im sooo late, but I severly hurt my ankle, and my mom wasn't fond of the idea of me going anywhere other than school in my crutches) and it was awesome!!! I am so exstatic that they changed the director. Everything went by the book. It was the perfect recreation. Everything was how I would picture the book to be made. And it seems that with the new director, the acting actually stepped up a little bit too. Jacob and his wolf pack were great. That fight scene was much better than I expected it to be, they definately uped the graphics 100% this time around. I was at on the edge of my seat the whole time. It has me thinking about how great Twilight would have been if they had used the New Moon director instead, but alas we will never know. And during  the movie, I actually found myself wanting to switch it up to Team Jacob for a split second, but I could never abandon Edward in such a way. All in all I have to say after the first movie, my opinions of what the movies were going to be like was already set into low expectations, but now Eclipse just seems like it is going to be so much better!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bloody Bookaholic's Holiday Blowout Contest!!!

Taschima over at the Bloody Bookaholic is having a Christmas/Hanukkah/ Whatever you believe in Blowout!!! The contest is also in celebration of her reaching 500 followers!!! Here's a list of the books she is giving away!!!

- ARC Eyes Like Stars
- Signed ARC Hush Hush
- ARC Ash
- ARC The Demon's Lexicon
- ARC Betraying Season
- The Black Tatto + poster
- I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You
- Candle Man, Book One
- Deadtown
- Lenore Noogies
- The anticipated sequel of The Nanny Diaries, The Nanny Returns
- Never After by Dan Elconsin
- Secret Society signed book and an Ambassador Kit
And a 2010 Book called The Mark by Jen Nadol.
- Gift Cards for Ninja T Shirts.

There is a ton of more things going along with the giveaway so head over to her contest page  for more details and to enter!!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Trailer Tuesday (On Friday)

Since I didn't post a Trailer Tuesday this Tuesday (on account of my nursing a torn ligiment in my ankle, blame basketball practice) I am posting it on Friday. This week's trailer is for The Seven Rays by Jessica Bendinger. Remeber??? That book with the beyong gorgeous cover!!!

Ohhhh how pretty.
Tempted to add it to your 2010 Author Debut Challenge right!?!?!

2010 Author Debut Challenge

Yep I'm doing another challenge. This button is so cute, how could I not participate!!! Anywayz, this year's Debut Author Challenge is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year. Anyone can join even if you don't have a blog. You dont have to list the books in advanced either. Head over to The Story Siren for more details. Im going to try to keep all books on my list  to those that debuted in either 2009 or 2010. Head over to the sign up page to participate!!!

The challenge will run from January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010!!!

If you're sorta stumped and don't know which books to go on your list, check out it features tons of middle grade and young adult debut authors!!!
I think I am going to start with reading 20 books by debut authors, but I'll probably add more along the road!!!
What's on your list???

Bold and Blue- Read
Black- To Read

1. Dreaming Anastasiaby Joy Prebble 
2. 13 to Life by. Shannon Delany
3. Wherever Nina Lies by.  Lynn Weingarten
4. Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey
5. Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson 
Restoring Harmony by Joëlle Anthony
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
Wish by Alexandra Bullen 
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Mistwood by Leah Cypess
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
Everlasting by Angie Frazier
The Line by Teri Hall
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey
Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade
Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Other by Karen Kincy
Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis
Sea by Heidi R. Kling
Firespell by Chloe Neill
The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black
The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge 
The Thirteenth Chime by Emma Michaels 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

2010 Young Adult Reading Challenge

First off. Happy Turkey-Day!!! Hope all of you are stuffing your faces with turkey, pie and all that good stuff!!! Now lets get down to buisness...
Guess what I'm joining next this year???

(Last updated March 21, 2010)
I decided to do my first Reading Challenge.
I always see these all around the YA blogersphere so now I'm doing one. I'll probably do more but I'll start with this one.
This YA Reading Challenge is hosted by J. Kaye over at her blog. Here's the link to the sign up page.

Here are the four levels:
--The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.

--Just My Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 25 Young Adult novels.

--Stepping It Up YA Reading Challenge – Read 50 Young Adult novels.

--Super Size Me YA Reading Challenge – Read 75 Young Adult novels.

And a cool thing about this challenge is that you dont have to be a blogger to participate. Head over to her sign up page for more details.

I think I am going to do the Super Size Me level. Its not going to be that hard since 85 percent of what I read is YA.
What level are aiming to complete???

1. The Real Real by. Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus
2. I am the Messenger by. Markus Zusak
3. Major Crush by. Jennifer Echols
4. Captivate by. Carrie Jones
5. Book of Shadows (Sweep Series) by. Cate Tiernan
6. Dead is a State of Mind by. Marlene Perez
7. Jeckel Loves Hyde by. Beth Fantaskey
9. Hearts at Stake by. Alyxandra Harvey 
10. O' Juliet by. Robin Maxwell
11. Wondrous Strange by. Lesley Livingston
12. Raven by. Allison Van Diepen
13. Josephine and the Soldier by. Beverly Jenkins
14. Being Nikki by. Meg Cabot
15. City of Ashes by. Cassandra Clare
16. Rules of Attraction by. Simone Elkeles
17. Dreaming Anastasia by. Joy Preeble
18. 13 to Life by. Shannon Delany
19. Haunted (Mediator book 5) by. Meg Cabot
20. Played by. Dana Davidson
21. Asleep by. Wendy Raven Mcnair
22. Wherever Nina Lies by. Lynn Weingarten 
23. Shiver by. Maggie Stiefvater
24. The Awakening by. Kelley Armstrong
25. The Reckoning by. Kelley Armstrong
26. The Mediator Series #6 by. Meg Cabot

Monday, November 23, 2009

Review: Beautiful Creatures by. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Title: Beautiful Creatures                                             
Author: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Reading Level: 12+
Publication Date: December 2009
Pages: 563
Series: Yes!!! Hopefully there will be a sequal.
Rating: 10/10  I know its rare!!!

Synopsis: There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.

Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.

Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.

In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

Review:  I began reading this book with very high expectations, which usually isn't a good thing because it sets me up for dissapointment, but not in this case. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl did not dissapoint with this enchanting tale of finding love in the dull town you wish to escape, and discovering that this dull town holds secrets you never dreamed of.
            First of all, this books was in a male perspective. Which from the begginning made me hesitant to read it. Nothing against guys, but I always thought a book would always be better told from a girls point of view. But not in this book, I cant imagine Beautiful Creatures being as great as it was without being told in Ethan's point of view. In romances, especially paranormal romances, there is always that aspect of the tall mysterious male love interest throughout the book. That is not lost in this book, as the mysterious male interest is now a female. I ended up loving Ethan from the beginning. His attitude towards his town, the death of the his mom, and his new love interest is fun to follow throughought the story. He was the most relatable character for me throughout the book. Lena was spectacular. She was a real herorine. Very mysterious and closed up, with a new secrect uncovered every chapter. Macon I still have to say is my favorite character. Although his isn't a main character, I couldnt help but love Lena's uncle throughout the story.
             From the beginning to the end there isn't a dull moment in this book. There is always something going on, always a new part of the mystery to unfold, and Ethan finds out the small and boring town that he grew up in isn't as it once seemed to him. From the newfound beings he discovers, to the magical powers and developments in Lena, this book is filled with new intrigue.
           The ending of this book was nothing short of phe·nom·e·nal!!! You think the rest of the book is good, get ready to be even more amazed as even more action comes in the ending. I cannot count how many times I gasped in shock, in the last few chapters. Back and forth between the new and old characters secrets revealed, identitys revealed, and shocking betrayals. The end left me falling off my bed, and desperate for a sequal.
          In the end, I know for sure this book will remain one of my favorites forever. I loved reading it all the way through, and will continue re-reading and re-reading until the sequal comes out (I have heard different things on whether or not there is going to be a sequal, so cross those fingers!!!). I reccommend this book to all fans of paranormal, romantic, suspence, and a book that will wow and amaze you days, weeks, months after you have finished reading it!!!

Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Entertainment: 10/10
Ending: 10/10
Writing Style: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
Total: 10/10


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Switching it Up.

Just so you guys know I am still in the process of finilizing my layout so don't be suprised if something looks different from the way I had it yesterday. This week I going to test how people react to this layout as opposed to the last one, Personally I like this one better, the other one has two much going on for my taste, but again I am leaving the choice up to you guys out there, so tell me which one you prefer!!! By the way this is layout 1 on the poll, feel free to change your vote!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Woot Woot Another Award!!!

I was awarded the one lovely blog award from MissAttitude over at Reading in Color!!! Thanks for the award MissAttitude!!!                                                           The Rules: 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs you've recently discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

 15 awesome new blogs, thats easy, I add about 5 new blogs to my blogroll every day heres my list!!! Remember to check out all these awesome blogs!!!

1.  Abigail at All Things Urban Fantasy

2. Jessica at Book Reviews by Jess 

3. Blueicega at Fantasy4eva

6. Amy at My Friend Amy 

7. ReaderChick12 at The Here The Now and The Books

10. Hailley at Bookmark This

11. Jennifer at YA Book Nerd 

15. Lisa at Lisa the Nerd 

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cover Crazinesss!!!

Sooooooo... I was just on goodreads minding my own buisness when I look down to the bottom right hand corner of the page and I see one of the most gorgeous or gorgeoust covers ever!!! Look look look!!!

 Imagine my surprise when I see that this is the new cover of Melissa Marr's 4th book in her Wicked Lovely Series. Even though I have only read the first book, and the second one has been in my too read pile for about 4 months now, I am super excited. And this cover. OMG it is beyond gorgeous. I love it, im a sucker for covers with a combo of black, blue and purple (my favorite colors). Its so beautiful, this is definately my favortite of all the covers in the series. Just gaze upon it as long as you want, no ones watching!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trailer Tuesady

  I have to credit Anastasia at Bird Brained Book Reviews for this meme.

Heres the Trailer for Shadowland by Alyson Noel!!!

Ohhh looks good doesn't it. And it was jusy released!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

In My Mailbox (6)

In my mailbox is a meme that was started by Kristi at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie!!!
From now on I think I am going to start doing my In My Mailbox every two weeks. That way I have more books to talk about, and I don't have to list a whole in My Mailbox post based on 1 book.

Won from Andrea at The Little Bookworm 

There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.

Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.

Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.

In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

I was going to add a scream right here. But even that wouldnt be enough to grasp the amount of excitement I had when I recieved this boo. And it is soooo long. Somethine about long books just makes them even more anticipating to read!!!


What if all your wishes could come true? Blink, drink a fizzing pink potion, and poof! 
Life is perfect.
That’s my situation.
Except I’m not the one who suddenly has magical powers. My younger sister is. And let me tell you, spell books are wasted on the young!
Yes, yes, of course world peace and cures for horrible diseases are important.
But so is . . .
Dancing without looking like I’m being electrocuted.
Winning back my best friend.
Stopping my dad’s wedding.
And finding a date for Spring Fling.
I’m not bewitched . . . yet.

One of my friends reccommended this book to me, and it seems pretty interesting.

Being an heiress in 1920s Austria with nothing but a broken-down castle to your name and nary a penny in your purse could be frustrating for anyone but the Princess Theresa-Maria of Pfaffenstein. "Tessa," however, is thrilled with her situation, as it allows her to concentrate on her love of the arts—and no one in the Viennese opera company need know that their delightful and charming under-wardrobe mistress is really a princess. But when the dashing self-made millionaire Guy Farne arrives at the opera in search of suitable entertainment for his high society guests, Tessa realizes that there may be more to life—and love—than just music. But while the attraction between them in undeniable, Guy's insufferable snob of a fiancée only solidifies Tessa's determination to keep her true identity a secret. Yet, after a chance meeting with the handsome Englishman, Tessa's reserve begins to melt, and she starts to wonder if it's not too late for a fairytale ending...

I read one of Eva Ibbotson books before, and though I didnt really enjoy it much, I decided to give her books another try. This one definately sounds more exciting though.

  Welcome to Nightshade, California; a small town full of secrets. It's home to the pyschic Giordano sisters, who have a way of getting mixed up in mysteries. During their investigations, they run across everything from pom-pom-shaking vampires to shape-shifting boyfriends to a clue-spewing jukebox. With their psychic powers and some sisterly support, they can crack any case.

Teenage girls are being mysteriously attacked all over town, including at Nightshade High School, where Daisy Giordano is a junior. When Daisy discovers that a vampire may be the culprit, she can't help but suspect head cheerleader Samantha Devereaux, who returned from summer break with a new look; Samantha appears a little . . . well, dead, and all the most popular kids at school are copying her style.

Is looking dead just another fashion trend for Samantha, or is there something more sinister going on? To find out, Daisy joins the cheerleading squad.

Ihave been waiting to read this book for a long time, Im trying to give the mystery/suspence genre a chance, since I never really read those kinds of books, and this book is at the top of the list. And I love the cover!!!

Who needs Prince Charming if you've got a rock star?

It's official. Olivia is a superfreak. Sure, she may have landed the hottest internship at an übercool TV music station. And yes, she's chilling with A-listers in London all summer. But when she meets her very first pop star, she gets caught in a revolving glass door and falls smack down on her bum — all in one quick motion.

Luckily, Rocker Boy thinks Liv's quirks are adorable. He takes her clubbing at the hippest spots! Liv may be clumsy on solid ground, but on the dance floor she sparkles. The summer's just begun and she's already captured the spotlight — and a celeb's heart, too. Now if only she was sure he's the right guy...

What can I say. I can't get enough of these romantic comedies!!!

What did you guys get in your mailbox this week? 

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Layout Change!!!

Okay I am finally changing my layout. I really hated the way it  was before. It just annoyed me to be posting on such an ugly background. So I decided to change it and I really cant decide. I dont know which way I should leave it, I just want something appealing that is easy for my readers to read. All feedback is appreciated. If you could comment and/or vote in the poll on if I should change it or anything else I would really appreciate it.

I have pictures of all the possibilities, please vote on which you think is best and easiest to read. There are two polls. One for the post background color and sidebar background color and overally background color.

Layout 1

Layout 2

layout 3

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What??? When??? No One Told Me!!!

So I was checking my blogroll and I saw that Eleni from  /- LA FEMME READERS -/  just posted an interview with Simone Elkeles. I checked it out and lo and behold what I found out. Simon Elkeles is in the process of writing a sequel to Perfect Chemestry.

Did anybody else know this?!?! A sequel. I mean when I read the book, which was majorly awesome in a big way, there wasnt a cliff-hanger. There was even a forshadowing of Alex's and Brittany's lives 30 years later. And here I hear about a sequal. How awwwwesssommme!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear  more about Alex's and Brittany's lives!!! The name of this sequel is Rules of Attraction. This is so exciting. Imagine your favorite stand alone novel all of a sudden had a sequel, or turned into a trilogy. Haa, now you understand my excitement. If anyone has read this book they know what I mean. She is also working on a sequal to her novel Leaving Paradise. Which I havent read but plan on getting right on that. Head over to her website for more details!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mega Book Giveaway at Teens Read and Write

Teens Read and Write is hosting a mega extra huge book contest. Here is a list of some of the books in the giveaway.

Glass Houses by Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires#1)
Lost Girls by Robert Doherty
Saddled wth Trouble by Michelle Scott
The Wee Free Men by Terry Prachett
Midnight Reflections by Katrina Michaels
The Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling
Dragon House by John Shors
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi
The Shifter by Janice Hardy
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong (Darkest Powers #1)
Marked by PC Cast

Click here and go enter NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Win Tangled by. Carolyn Mackler at Park Avenue Princess

Park Avenue Princess is having a giveaway over at her blog to win Tangled by. Carolyn Mackler. Click here and head over and enter her contest!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday 5

                                                                                                          Bad Blood by. Mari Mancusi                                                                                                  The newest Blood Coven novel-accompanied by edgy repackages of the rest of the series

Sunny McDonald is in the ultimate forbidden relationship. Her boyfriend Magnus is a vampire, and the leader of the Blood Coven. And when the Coven decides that Magnus needs a mate to be his co-ruler, Sunny's humanity puts her out of the running. The Coven's chosen candidate is Jane Johnson, a magna cum laude graduate of Oxford University who just happens to look like a vampiric supermodel.

Sunny is suspicious of a Rhodes Scholar who can't answer the most basic poli-sci questions, but Magnus brushes it off as petty jealousy. Still, when the Blood Coven goes to Las Vegas for a vampire convention, Sunny and her twin sister Rayne secretly tag along. And Sunny's not going home before she learns the truth about Jane. Because not everything stays in Vegas-especially bad blood.

I have been waiting fo the compainion novel to his first book of this series for ages, and this one sounds sooooo good. Let my vampire addiction live on!!!

Trailer Tuesday

This is my first trailer tuesday. I love watching book trailers all over the internet so I decided to start doing the meme myself. I have to credit Anastasia at Bird Brained Book Reviews for this meme.

I just found this trailer myself, and since I just finished The Summoning (awesome awesome book, look for the review up soon). I decided to post the trailer for the sequel. It looks really interesting, I need to run over to Barnes nad Noble right now!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

My First Award!!!

This is the Honest Scrap Award. It is for those bloggers who write from the heart. The rules are to pass it along to seven bloggers and then list 10 honest things about myself. Here are those deserving of this honour, bloggers who write from the heart and touch me because of it (and I'm going to try to nominate blogs that haven't already received this award, so that doesn't means I don't love yours!).

Staysi over a Lost in Ink  has just rewarded me with my first blog award. Actually she rewarded me with is a while ago but with volleyball and AP classes life doesnt seem to have enough time for me. Anywayz, woooooooot I have my first award!!!

I'm giving this award out to:

Nicole at Word for Teens

Hailley at Bookmark This

 A great thing about all these blogs is that they tell it like it is, no sugar coating, just true honesty!!!

 10 facts about me

1. I live and breathe volleyball!!! (woot!!! made varsity as a sophomore, ohh the excitement)
2. I am a hydophobic. I refuse to go next to any body of water larger than a bathtub, and nope I cant swim.
3. I own over 150 books but no bookcases!!!
4.  I am probably the most sarcastic smart-allacky person you will ever meet.
5. I think Betsy Johnson is god's gift to fashion
6. I have over 200 post it's in all assortements of colors.
7. Whenever I go to Jamba Juice I only order white gummy bear (secret menu recipe) for about 5 straight years now.
8. My favorite colors are black, blue and purple. (I really had to just throw that in here.)
9.  I use post its to mark certain chapters in books I have already read becuase I know im going to want to read it again. It really helps to mark your favorite favoite parts.
10.  I can't stand Chic Lit books!!! Books with girls where the whole plot line is how to get back at other girls, or girls trying to become like other girls, all those topics just make me what to make turn all the pages into paper airplanes, anything to distract me from the horror!!!

Thats ten honest facts about me!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.


Title: Betrayed (House of Night Book 2)
Author: P.C. Cast
Publication Date:  October 2, 2007
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 320

Synopsis: Fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird has managed to settle in at the House of Night. She’s come to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her, and is getting a handle on being the new Leader of the Dark Daughters. Best of all, Zoey finally feels like she belongs--like she really fits in. She actually has a boyfriend…or two. Then the unthinkable happens: Human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey’s old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night, and Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world.

I read the first book in this series a long while back, but I am still looking forward to reading this book, I need someting to sustain my growing vampire addiction. 

Title: Major Crush
Author: Jennifer Echols
Publication Date:  August 1, 2006
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 287

Synopsis: Marching to the beat of a different drum...

Tired of the beauty-pagean circuit, Virginia Sauter tosses her tiara, pierces her nose, and auditions for the most unlikely of roles — drum major of the high school marching band.

Virginia wins, but is forced to share the title with Drew, whose family has held the position for generations. Sure, Drew is hot, but because of his superior attitude, he and Virginia are constantly arguing. That is, until they share more than just their half-time salute...

But as the drum major's heated competition turns to sizzling romance, explosive rumors threaten everything — including the band's success. Love seemed to be a sure hit, but Virginia and Drew may be marching straight into disaster.

I just love all of Simon and Schuster's romantic comedy's. And Jennifer Echol's books are always some of my favorites.


 Won from Erica over at The Book Cellar's Doubles Contest.

Title: All American Girl
Author: Meg Cabot
Publication Date:  December 2003
Genre: Contemporary
Pages: 354

Synopsis: Samantha Madison is just your average disenfranchised sophomore gal living in DC when, in an inadvertent moment sandwiched between cookie buying and CD-perusing, she puts a stop to an attempt on the life of the president. Before she can say “MTV2” she’s appointed Teen Ambassador to the UN and has caught the eye of the very cute First Son. 
Everything Meg Cabot writes is like gold so I expect nothing less than 14 karots for this book!!!

 I think this was a very good week for me, what did you guys get in your mailboxes???

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Review: The Pace by. Shelena Shorts

Title: The Pace
Author: Shelia Shorts                        Publication Date: August 2009      Pages: 302                          Series: The Pace, The Broken Lake        Rating: 9.3  out of 10

Synopsis: Weston Wilson is not immortal and he is of this world. But, aging is not part of his existence, and eighteen-year-old Sophie Slone is determined to find out why. In doing so, she could also uncover something about her own life expectancy that she may not want to know. Suddenly, immortality will mean everything and nothing all at the same time.

Intensely fascinating and rich with determination, The Pace brings together romance, mystery, and suspense in a compelling bond that is sure to have readers asking for more.


Review: I would just like to start out by saying I really really loved this book. The topic of immortality is really becoming widespread in the YA community. Shelena Shorts is adding to that genre, but with a new original twist that has not tey been explored. The Pace combines a truly orignial plot with an enthralling romance that will keep your nose in the book from the first pages to the very last (which ends with a killer cliffhanger by the way).

The topic of immortality usually comes with the use of paranormal characters such as vampires, werewolves, fairies,  the whole shabang.  But in this book the immortal character is human. Weston's current state of being is due to a medical experiment that didn't go as planned and now causes Weston to age 1 year every 30 years. This was a new way to go about exlaining the topic, and with the scientific backup the give in the story, I actually found myself thinking as if the story was true, that something like this could occur in real life (yeah its that good).

Sophie is such a loveable character. She is very shy and content with just being herself by herself. But don't let the shyness cloud your judgement of her, she is a very strong-willed character who shows it in many aspects in her relationship with Weston and the lifechanging discoveries she encounters along the way. Weston is the smooth, smart, good looking, college boy. He is a great leading male character that I couldnt help fall in love with as the story went on.

The plot, the plot, oh the undescibeable plot.  The plot of this book was just great. The immortanlity and the issues that come with it on Westons part is very fun to read. And as the story goes on and Weston's and Sophies lives start to become more and more intertwined, the plotline just grows adding more twists that I hope to be unravelled in the next book in the series. The best part of the plot for me was the romance. I really liked how the romance between Sophie and Weston didn't feel rushed at all. It wasn't that undeniable instant attraction that is so common in books nowadays (dont get me wrong I love it) but in this book, you can actually see how their relationship blossoms and how Weston begins to trust Sophie with more and more of his sercrets as they fall in love.

The ending was an added pleasure to the book. Just as some questions are beginning to be solved, new ones come up. The ending was added a suspenceful and thrilling aspect to the book that I was not expecting. It goes to show how a book can pull you in from the front cover to the very last page. And the ending was also a great way to set up for the next book which I am anticipating to be just as good as this one.

All in all this was a great read. I reccommend it to all fans of romance, and paranormal readings. 

Characters: 9/10
Plot: 9/10
Originality: 10/10
Entertainment: 9/10
Ending: 10/10
Writing Style: 8/10
Cover: 10/10
Total: 9.3/10 

Review: Paper Thin by. Shelia M.Goss

Okay first off I would like to take Shelia Goss for providing me with my first author requested review copy of a book. The book was an e-book. And heres the thing with e-books, I really cant stare at a monitor for more than ten minutes straight without having to avert my eyes somewhere else and risk extreme dizziness. So I ended up just printing out all the pages of the book and reading it off paper. It was a change of pace carrying a huge stack of printer paper instead of a book, but still it was completely work it

Title: Paper Thin
Author: Shelia M. Goss                        Publication Date: January 26, 2010        Pages: 87                                                  Series:  The Ultimate Test, Splitsville
Rating: 7.7 out of 10

Synopsis: Sierra’s weight isn’t the only issue in this page-turner.

Drama follows the three friends into their sophomore year. Once again, their friendship is tested. During the growth process, Sierra learns the importance of being average-size and healthy, rather than starving to be paper thin.

 Review: How refreshing. Paper Thin was a refreshing contemparary read that I think every girl in middle school through high school should read.
         Paper Thin discusses the important issue of weight in young girls that has since been an ependemic. With the increasing about of girls in the United States with eating disorders, I felt the topic of this book was well fitting. 
          Sierra a highschool sophmore is foocused on making her sophomore year her best and the first thing that comes with this new change is her weight. Sierra has always struggled with her weight, and having a stepmother who is overally obsessed with thinking that being skinny is the key to beauty. In the beginning Sierra takes the high road and decides to start losing weight the healthy way with cutting portions and eliminating junk food. But as school starts and she starts comparing herslef to every other girl at school, her obsession with her weight takes a very negitive turn. 
            The main thing I like about this book was the realists of this book.  Partucularly in the characters. The friendship beteween Sierra, Jasmine, and Britney is very real. Of course there is that bonded friendship that will last forever, but then again in reality there is always that underlying feeling of jealousy and an urge to outshine one another that is present in every friendship, and I love how that is not sugar coated in this book. 
           The plot is as drama filled as a drama book can get, from the friendship problems, to the family, relationship, and severe teenage problems on top of the main issue of Sierra's weight, there are always many conflicts and problems going on all over the book.
            The ending of the book was not as I expected. I expected a very complex ending to all of the issues going on throughout the book. But I felt that the ending was too fast. All the problems just seemed to go away in last couple of pages. It was a little rushed, but it did tie everything together, just quickly.
             In the end, this book was a way more interesting way to here educate young ladies on how over obsessing with your weight can take over your life in a very negitive way. I reccomend this book to all teenage girls.

Characters: 8/10
Plot: 7/10
Originality: 8/10
Entertainment: 8/10
Ending: 7/10
Writing Style: 7/10
Cover: 9/10
Total: 7.7/10