I am so excited! I was recently contacted by CSN stores to do a review on one of the products from the CSN stores. I was so happy to have been contacted that I got to looking through the sites immediately. I thought this would be easy picking out something, but I got sidetracked by the variety of lights, bookcases, and rugs. You won't believe the different lamps and colors of rugs they have (I am definitely in need of a rug to cover up all the Starbucks stains in my room).
But alas, I believe I must get a bookcase. As some of you may know, I have never had a bookcase. So every single one of my books are either in boxes or stacks running the length of a room. I think its time to pick out a bookcase. Currently it is a battle between these two:

I love CSN. Have fun with your bookcases once you save your cash!
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