Friday, June 25, 2010

13 to Life Blog Tour: Interview + Excerpt with Shannon Delany

Today Shannon Delany, the author of 13 to Life, is visiting Black and Blue Ink as the next stop on her Blog Tour.  She is here to talk about her upcoming debut YA paranormal novel 13 to Life. She has also provided a small excerpt from 13 to Life at the end of this interview so read on. Here are 10 things that will make you that much more anxious to read 13 to Life. 

Q: What made you decide to create a paranormal YA book for your debut?

I've always been fascinated with the idea that things may look absolutely normal on the surface, but below it all something else is lurking. We're a very self-absorbed species--I think it's important to shake up a seemingly normal and dull world when playing with fiction.

Q: If you could be any mythical creature, fantasy or paranormal what would it be?

A: I think a werewolf might actually be an interesting choice--but not if it comes with the strings attached to my particular werewolves. I'm not the kindest creator.

Q: Have werewolves always been your guilty pleasure when it comes to paranormal books, or was it just a successful whim?

A: Totally a successful whim. I may love wolves, but I only recently started investigating werewolves.

Q: 13 To Life is a very action packed and romantic book, but it also tackles some very deep and emotional topics, were they based on personal experiences?

A: The emotional issues Jess struggles with in 13 to Life are based on a loss I recently experienced. My mother died a couple years ago after fighting (and being told she was winning) against cancer. It was very much like what Jess sees most nights.

Q: Is there something you cannot begin writing without or something that keeps you going while writing?

A: I don't have necessities, but I do enjoy a fancy coffee from time to time. It sort of encourages and rewards me as I go.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a writer?

A: My favorite part of being a writer is discovering the story and voice of a story. It's like exploring a brand new world with an experienced guide.

Q: Did you always want to be a writer?

A: I always wanted to do something that allowed me to creatively express myself. I've enjoyed doing art, teaching, and writing. All offer different things to creative people.

What are you favorite writers and/or books?

A: The people who blurbed 13 to Life are definitely among my favorite authors--that's why I asked them to read and blurb. That includes Maria V. Snyder, Ann Aguirre, Jeri Smith-Ready and Lucienne Diver. Each of them create great characters and intriguing worlds. I'm also a big fan of Mercedes Lackey, Anne Mccaffrey and Orson Scott Card.

Q: Anything else you want your readers to know about you and your book???

A: Just that I encourage readers to give 13 to Life a try and keep an open mind. It's designed to be read by different people at different levels. Some people will enjoy it for a quick and fun read and some people will read deeper into it and find the foreshadowing for the next books in the series. Either way, I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks again for including my blog in your tour!!! 
Thanks so much for hosting me, Chioma!

13 to Life: Chapter 4, part D (used with the author’s permission)

Mr. Miles laughed. “Good enough. Pietr, right?”
Pietr nodded.
“Very good. Everyone’s been talking about your family already. Not much else to do at Junction High, I guess.” Mr. Miles clapped his hands together.

Shannon Delany's first novel in her YA paranormal series can be purchased at fine retailers everywhere. Shannon asks you to buy her book from the bookstore you love best! 

Barnes and Noble
The Book Depository 

Learn more about Shannon ( and 13 to Life ( or explore the town of Junction (


Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Great interview! Lol, I'm definitely intrigued to see what these "strings attached" are on the werewolves...

donnas said...

Great interview. Thanks for sharing!!