Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's Over, It's Over, IT'S OVER!!!

Oh yeah!!! I have conquered all my AP Exams!!! And this was just sophomore year, I can't even imagine what junior and senior year are going to be like, but anyway... Take that World History and Chemistry!!! So what if I may have totally forgotten what the difference between molarity and molality is and who cares if I momentarily thought the Han Dynasty was a part of the Byzantine Empire or whatever (jk jk), bottom line is that now it is all over...well all up until finals week but for now...NO MORE AP TESTS!!!

And for some updates!!!!
I will be extending the deadline of my contest. Who in the world had the crazy idea to end that contest during finals week, I do not know, so in honor of this, I am extending the contest until the day after my last day of school. And that may be the last day of school for some of my winners so that could make an awesome "I'm finally out of school and have my life back (for at least 3 months)" gift. I have also decided to add some of the books you guys suggested into the prize barrel of possible prizes, I'll update the contest page soon for all the details.

More excitedly, POC Week is back up and running starting after this post. I have a review of one of my new all time favorite books Asleep by. Wendy Raven McNair coming up. I also have a great interview with the lovely author herself to post, and many more things to come.

It's awesome to have time to blog again!!! Can't wait to get back into the swing of things lol,  anyways, I hope all of you guys out there taking your AP Tests are hanging in there and doing awesome. And when you it's all over and done with, treat yourselves to Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream like I did. Happy Reading and Blogging everyone!!!


Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Yay!! Whew, I'm finished too, though I only took APUSH this year, haha (AP Chemistry next year, woo-hoo...). I definitely thought AP gov. and politics was easier, and the APUSH one a little tricky but not bad. Hope you did well! :)

Jenna said...

Just finished my last test yesterday. This year I took the US History and Language & Composition AP tests, and it feels like heaven to have them behind me.

Anonymous said...

AP? I had DUAL when I was in high school :) I was so thankful, I couldn't stand the thought of passing a class (an getting that college credit) being determined by one single, end of the year exam. Glad to hear you passed though!