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2. Contest Ends October 31st, 2010
How do you feel about books turning into movies?
To be completely 100% honest…I don’t like it. It really kind of bugs me whenever I see another YA book, especially one of my favorites, being made into a movie. This used to make me really ecstatic to see a book I liked made into a movie. but lately it has just become too much for my taste. It would be okay if they were making them into as close as possibly remake’s of the books, but adding all the sparkle sparkle, Hollywood casted, annoying directors who like to change great books into their own twisted visions really bugs me. Wake, and Vampire Academy are two of my favorite favorite series ever, and I’ll just say I was less than happy when I heard they were being made into movies. But maybe they will be able to find that one director out there that will actually make the books what they are, instead of what they think it should be. *Toes and Fingers Crossed!*
That’s my opinion on the whole YA into movies phenom, what do you think?
Riley has always wanted to be a Demon Trapper like her father, and she's already following in his footsteps as one of the best. But it's tough being the only girl in an all-guy world, especially when three of those guys start making her life more complicated: Simon, the angelic apprentice who has heaven on his side; Beck, the tough trapper who thinks he's God's gift, and Ori, the strikingly sexy stranger who keeps turning up to save her ass. One thing's for sure - if she doesn't keep her wits about her there'll be hell to pay... - from Goodreads
Hello people of the blogging community!!! It has been so long since I have written up a post, and really there is no excuse for that. Except if you count the fact that school started 3 weeks ago for me and I am already swamped with homework, projects, and midterms. I mean really, which teacher gives a midterm after only 3 weeks of school. You'll be lucky if I remember your name after three weeks. Anyway, school has really become a hassle. I know Junior year is my make it or break it year so I am trying to start off as best as I can. So blogging has actually taken the back burner in my life which is not what I want. But since I'm in class to 3 o'clock everyday, and from 3 o'clock to 6:30 I have volleyball practice, and after that finishing my homework at 12 every night, its hard to find time to blog. Basically I am stressed to the brink of wanting to pull out my hair. But I did it last year, and I am more than determined to do it this year. So yeah that is my little, or long hiatus disclaimer/excuse/rambling paragraph.
So as I try to get back into the swing of things I have planned a lot. I would really like to do more discussion posts and I have a lot of ideas for those too. If you guys have any idea’s for discussion posts feel free to let me know.
I have a lot of reviews on newly released books I would like to get out soon. But is sucks that every week I have a new book I have to read for AP English, and you know I never get tired of boring 100 year old, nonfiction books!
I have been thinking about doing a vlog. I’m not really sure I want to do it for In My Mailbox unless I get a lot a lot of books. I really like the idea of doing a video review of a series. I have a series in mind that I really want to review, and since it has a lot of books in the series, I thought a video review would be great for that. We’ll see…
*Non Blog Related*
We won our first 2 volleyball games. Of course it is still pre-season, but they were both awesome teams and we beat them both in 4 games which is so awesome. I can tell this year is going to be a great year for our team. In our last game I averaged 6 kills per game and 2 blocks. It’s all so exciting, I can’t wait for our next game.
I am currently failing pre-calculus. My life as I know it, is ending.
That last one was a bit overdramatic but what are you gonna do?
I am working on starting a new blog on something that I love but is completely unrelated to this blog. I’m not sure I am going to announce it on this blog since it is so unrelated. You’ll get a hint to what it is in my next post!
Well that’s all folks! I’m trying my best to get back into the swing of things. Again I apologize for being missing in action for so long!!! I hope to get updated on everything I’ve missed!
My Rating System is based on the combined rating of the characters, plot, originality, entertainment, ending, cover, and writing style.
5 Stars-This book was total awesomeness, coupled with complete greatness, and sprinkled with utter perfection! (Only a Few books will be bestowed with this honor lol)
4 Stars- Amazing Book. Definite Re-read!
3 Stars- It was Okayyyy.
2 Stars- Not very Good
1 star- Ahhhh!!! Never ever again!!! Must.Get.As.Far.Away.From.Book.As.POSSIBLE!
Have any questions, comments, or concerns that you would like to ask me about just contact me by e-mail at : chibereading(at)gmail(dot)com