Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Would Like A Challenge!!!

As in all the challenges you guys are participating in. I am really stumped on what challenges I want to enter this year. Besides the ones I entered last year, I want so new ones that will really motivate me to venture out of my usual range of books. So go ahead and list all of the challenges you guys are thinking of joining!!! Thanks for you help. Oh, and I apologize in advance if I consecutively post challenges!!!


Christina T said...

I am currently participating in 24 Challenges, most of which can be found on A Novel Challenge, a blog devoted to reading challenges. You are sure to find something there if you look over their extensive list of current challenges.

If you'd like to see which challenges I'm participating in, visit my blog Reading Extensively. The link should show you directly which challenges I'm participating in. I started listing them here but couldn't remember them all. I'm a bit of a challenge addict.

MissA said...

POC Reading challenge, debut YA/MG author challenge, off the shelf challenge (to get rid of some of the books dying to be read that I already own), the Global Reading Challenge, Colorful chick lit challenge and maybe the YA Historical Challenge and GLBT one. Yea I have a problem :D