Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday's Question of the Day: Don't You Just Love Spoilers?

This meme was started by Eleni over at /- LA FEMME READERS -/. I always enjoyed answering and reading the responses to the questions she comes up with, so I decided to start some of my own!

Don't you just Love Spoilers? 

      Impulse answer is of course, no. I mean how annoying is it when you are reading a review of a  book that you are about buy and you are getting all excited and anticipating going over to Barnes and and pre-ordering this book that sounds so fantastic and just seems to be getting better and better with every word of this review and then then, you read...the line. The line that makes you click the back button on the "Place Your Order" page of The line that kills all interest  you once had in the book for you. The line that now reveals to you how this book that you were anticipating moments before is going to end, and all hope is lost. Maybe your experience with spoilers is not so dramatic, but I have to say they have really killed some books for me. The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by. Libba Bray is the largest testament to that.

      Yep, its going to be a while before I pick up one of those books but beside that point, I have a contradiction for you. I actually like times. Not spoilers that pretty much give away the entire ending of a book in one line, but spoilers that sort of tell what happens to a character halfway through a book. Or if I have a question about a character or a certain event that happens in a series that is not in the book I am reading, a good spoiler never hurt anyone. And I absolutely DO NOT like spoilers for all the reviews I read. Mostly if a book is getting really really boring and not going anywhere, I like a spoiler so I can see if its something I should continue reading, or if its time to drop that book and call it a "what could have been". So once in a blue moon on the rare occasion that I am actually looking for a spoiler, they are helpful, otherwise, I detest them, unless given fair warning of course.


DMS said...

I am not a fan of spoilers. When I am waiting for a book to come out I actually do my best to avoid reading anything about the book in case something is given away. This was stressful when all the Harry Potter books were being released- as I had to turn off the tv and ignore articles about the new books until I finished reading.

Emma B. (@ Novel Minded) said...

i really don't like spoilers at all! they take from the thrill ride you might have had with a book.