Over at Princess Bookie she is having a bunch, and I mean bunches upon bunches of single book giveaway contests. She is really going all out!!!
Here are her guidlines for her contests:
Just a few general rules for all the contests here at Princess Bookie during the Read-A-Thon.
My Best Advice: Only Enter The Contests You Want To Win (there will be ALOT) Don't burn yourself out!!!
One Entry Per Person Per Contest
Please Leave A Way to contact you with each entry (email is fine)
Please follow the rules, some are international, some are US only.
You Do Not Have To Enter All Contests, Enter The Ones You Want!
Be Nice
Have Loads Of Fun!
Make sure you eat during the read-a-thon.
Make Sure You Remember that only so many posts can be posted on a page, you may have to hit older a few times to get them all!
Ok some of them are irrelevant for the contest (like eating) but hey I'm hungry right now.
Contests will last from October 22nd until October 24th 11:59 PM Most Will be going on during Saturday but some beforehand to space them out a lil! Sudany early morning, I will be tallying them up and use random ORG! Winners will be announced Sunday-Monday (might split them into 2 posts). I need your address by Tuesday NIGHT! So I can get them where they go by Wednesday!!!
NOTE: If you Promote these contests (a general post) somewhere You can have 5 BONUS Entries into ONE contest. You can promote NOW, than come back and add your 5 to this when the contests are closing! (be selective, only 1 contest for bonus entries) (also try not to wait until the last minute so you don't forget)
Leave Your Email (the one you signed up with) and the contest you want entered into under THIS POST. AND the link where you promoted! Do not calculate into the contest post!
Most of All Enjoy Yourself!!!!
Here are the contests:
Win Slept Away by Julie Kraut
Win Simply Irresistible by Jennifer Banash
Win Beguiled by D. Gist And J Mark Bertrand
Win The Debs by Susan McBride
Win Secret Society By Tom Dolby
Win What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook
Win Take Me There By Susane Colasanti
Win Vamped by Lucienne Diver
Win Language Of Flowers (as heard about in Forget-Her-Nots)
Win City Of Ashes+Girl Stays In Picture
Win Geek Charming By Robin Palmer
Win Certain Slant Of Light by Laura Whitcomb
Win Local Girls OR Rich Boys
Win Possessions by Nancy Holder
Win Switch OR Snap by Carol Snow
Win Tear Collector by Patrick Jones
Win Identical-Wake-Monstrumologist
Win Hush Hush OR Once a Witch ARC
Win The Naughty List by Suzanne Young (ARC)
Win Taken By Storm By Angela Morrison
Win Hush Hush + Leviathan
Win Taken By Storm By Angela Morrison
Thank you so much Princess Bookie for all the amazing contests!!! I know I sure will be entering all of them!!!
P.S. This isnt the complete list of all the giveaways, (I know there is more!!!) and she adds conetsts faster than I can type so keep going back to her blog to check out her updates!!!
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