I first heard about this from the Shady Glade and it sounds pretty cool to participate in. Basically it is a group of awards given out from bloggers to books that you would like see recognized based on its utter greatness. There are nine different categories to nominate your favorite YA or childrens book in. You can base your nomination on anything as long as its a book you are truly passionate about and it was published this year before October 15. Click the here for the nomination form.
For more information check out http://dadtalk.typepad.com/cybils/2009/10/2009-nominations-are-now-open-.html#more or http://theshadyglade.blogspot.com/2009/10/whats-missing.html , You even get an entry in a contest she is having to go with the Cybils program. Check it out and rememer to nominate your favorite book!!!
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