Monday, February 21, 2011

Black History Month Poem!!!

So in English this week we were all asked to create an original free verse poem to recite to the class. (A "break" assignment from the horror my teacher assigned us over this break). And I just started writing and eventually I came up with a poem that was, for me the epitome of what black history month is. I really liked what I came up with so I just wanted to share it. Though I dislike writing poetry so much; (I would much rather write an essay), this is what I came up with and I kind of like it!

Our Say

They Said.
The pains and woes of past plague
Would shape
Would define
Would make
Before Madame Walker crossed the mighty Delta
Showed her light shone bright.
Before the great Doctor preached new wisdom down broken
Atlanta streets.
Before the King, silenced the world as he walked across the moon.
They said.
Could they overcome, could it be done?
Here, Now
Standing two feet firm and proud.
We will not be moved.
As our roaring voices silence the ignorant echo heard worldwide.
We cannot be moved.
They said how.
They said why.
They said no.
We say yes.

by. Chioma

Tell me what you guys think!


MissA said...

Chioma I LOVE it! May I share it on my blog this Sunday? Seriously girl, what a great poem :D They do try to say that slavery and civil rights and skin color are all that define us, pshh.

This is an example of a good BHM assignment.

Chioma said...

Yeahhh!!! I am smiling ear to ear right now I am so glad you like it Ari!!!! It was almost awkward when I read it in class because nobody knew what I was talking about!!! But we know, were soooo much more than what they say!!! Thanks, and I would honored if you put it on your blog!