If I am being honest, adding books to my "Want to Read" shelf on Goodreads is almost just as satisfying as adding books to the "Read" shelf on Goodreads! Truly nothing makes me more excited to read, then seeing all the books that I am going to read.
And I am going to be honest times two right now because I usually do not buy New Book Releses 😬 That is because A. new book releases usually come out in hardcover and ain't nobody got money for that and 2... honestly there's no two, new releases are expensive.
But that 100% does not mean that I do not indulge in the Barnes and Noble 3 hour long window shopping spree every month to see what's hot off the press.
All that being said!
I made a new very fun video of Tier Ranking the Most Anticipated 2021 Book Releases. I go through some of the most anticipated new releases in YA, Fantasy, Romance, and Science Fiction and rank the ones that seem most interesting based on their synopses!
This was a very fun video to film so I hope you have fun watching it! If you are looking for some new release recommendations this is the video for you!
Hello my fellow booklovers! Long time no reviews! I cannot believe the last time I posted on here was in 2013 and I just went GHOST! But...
Without further adieu, I would like to welcome you all to...ChiBeReading!
Hi, I am Chioma aka Chi.
And I be reading 🤗
As I say goodbye to Black and Blue Ink, the blog I called home for so many years, I am excited to invite you all to check out my Booktube channel ChiBeReading,
and remain a part of my bookish circle here as I go through transitioning Black and Blue Ink the blog to ChiBeReading the booktube + blog!
(one of my favorite videos, me unhauling book because I need space...for more books 🤗)
I sincerely thank all those who have stayed followed to my blog over these years! Your support when I was active meant so much to me and it means so much to mean that you have stuck by Black and Blue Ink.
For a quick summary of what has been going on since your girl dissapeared under non mysterious circumstances ...I graduated college...I am currently in graduate school...I work full time as a Data Scientist...I recently joined booktube...and I am excited to get back into Blogging!
(a recent reads video where I give mini reviews of some great of the books I read...recently)
I have been wanting to get back into the world of book reviews and rejoin the bookish community and all of it's glory for the longest time, but I have been locked out of this account since I posted my last review (thanks Google). So once I finally regained access to this account again, I decided a BLOG REVIVAL & PLATFORM JUMP was in order!
(if you're looking for some new releases by authors of color, I have som recs!)
I am so excited to get back into book reviewing book blogging, interacting with bookish people, and just everything I used to love about the online bookish community. On my booktube I do more aggregate reviews of the books I have read on a weekly or monthly basis, I showcase the books I am looking forward to reading, my favorite books, book recommendations, book hauls/unhauls, and everything in between.
I would love to post more dedicated reviews here, the blog counterpart to ChiBeReading, and spoiler filled reviews where we can really dive into what happened in the book and have a larger discussion based conversation on the books we have all been reading!
Before this post gets to be 10 miles long, I just want to again thank everyone that has stuck behind Black and Blue Ink over the years and I would greatly appreciate your continued support on my Booktube Channel and as I "rebrand" to ChiBeReading.
Also...what's been going on!? I feel so far removed from the book blogging community so if anyone could fill me in on what's new that would be great! What are the new trends, who's new on the block, I would love to catch-up in the comments!
Looking forward to interacting with everyone and posting here again!
Welcome all! My name is Chioma and I am a Nigerian American lifelong book lover, data scientist by trade, and over opinionated Aries. I have a Booktube channel!: www.youtube.com/c/chibereading
I am graduate student who also works full-time and reading is my favorite form of procrastination for both of these obligations. I give recommendations, reviews, and excess opinions on the current state of literary media in our world.
My Rating System is based on the combined rating of the characters, plot, originality, entertainment, ending, cover, and writing style.
5 Stars-This book was total awesomeness, coupled with complete greatness, and sprinkled with utter perfection! (Only a Few books will be bestowed with this honor lol)
4 Stars- Amazing Book. Definite Re-read!
3 Stars- It was Okayyyy.
2 Stars- Not very Good
1 star- Ahhhh!!! Never ever again!!! Must.Get.As.Far.Away.From.Book.As.POSSIBLE!
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, I will and do accept books for review from authors, publishers, ect.
The owner of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.
The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion the books, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If I claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my knowledge, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.